Undercarriage represents an average 50 percent of your machine’s owning and operating costs, so it makes to take care of it. These simple tips will help you extend the life of your undercarriage.
1. Keep it clean. Make inspecting your undercarriage part of your daily routine. Look for cracks and damage to the tracks. Remove excess amounts of dirt and large debris from your undercarriage. Concrete, rocks and even hardened mud or dirt could increase the fraction your track experiences and will cause wear and may even cause a track to fall off.
2. Keep it greased. Know the grease points on your specific model. It is important to grease them daily to lubricate the bushings on your undercarriage frames. Proper greasing also helps push dirt out.
3. Keep it tensioned. Tracks should not be too lose or too tight. Refer to your operation and maintenance manual on the proper tension test procedures for your machine's specific undercarriage. Different styles of undercarriage have different tensioning procedures. The proper track tension will extend the life of your undercarriage.
Ring Power has four Florida undercarriage service shops ― in St. Augustine, Tampa, Orlando and Ocala ― equipped and staffed to meet your undercarriage service needs.
For information on how to preserve the life of your undercarriage, contact your Ring Power product support sales representative.