Cat Rental Store

Job Well Done: Kudos to CRS Field Service Technician Jesse Judd

Cat Rental Store Field Service Technician Jesse Judd helped one customer identify and fix a small problem before it became a big one. To learn more about Jesse’s commitment to providing the best service, read the letter below from James Kummer, Polk County Parks Construction Manager.

FROM:             James Kummer

TO:                 Matt Burroughs

SUBJECT:         Kudos for Troubleshooting

Our new 299 compact loader developed a problem of automatic braking during operation. Jessie Judd investigated the problem this morning [Sept. 9] and nailed it. Diagnostics did not reveal problem so he assimilated running a pattern to surface malfunction. He determined it was electrical by watching panel’s reaction while in running mode. He then performed wiring trace and found that one cable that tees off of battery terminal was loose enough to break contact during operations. This may sound simple now that it has been discovered but could have led to an ongoing chronic problem that very well could have caused more damage to unit because it was not an evident problem. It was Jessie Judd’s expertise and dedicated diligence to pursue and eradicate problem that impressed me.  He possesses outstanding customer service skills as well. Please take the time to recognize and commend him for a job well done.
James Kummer, Parks Construction Manager
Polk County Parks & Natural Resources

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